About Us
Maybe you're wondering if this story is going to begin with two friends that grew up farming, whimsically thinking back to their first memories in the garden.
Well, my friend, our story doesn't begin there. We're two buds that were initially bonded by our unrootedness, our love of adventure and our desire to explore. In all of our years of friendship, the thought of being grounded down into a physical space for more than a month or a year at a time was a terrifying thought. Stewarding land, one of the most grounding practices we can think of, was far from the front of our minds. Yet here we are- a pair of curious farmers, exploring the magical world of medicinal herbs, learning and discovering every step of the way. We delight in the grounding. We delight in the continued exploration.
We are so stoked to welcome you along on our journey.

About the farm
You'll find Wild Few Herb Farm nestled in a neighborhood of Arundel, ME on a 1/2 acre of leased land. We grow over 25 varieties of medicinal herbs with the intention to provide the highest quality plants for herbalists and herbal-curious people to make medicine with. To us, making medicine can be as simple as brewing a cup of tea.
We use no-till practices and are passionate about building soil, creating a more resilient eco-system and community.

We're known to break out into spontaneous dance parties in the field and high fiving at the completion of even the simplest task.
With the goal of creating an inviting space that fosters healing and support for our community, we're so excited to be here and we hope you'll join us.